What are your shipping methods and costs?
We ship worldwide from our U.S. warehouse in New Jersey. In the USA, we ship to all 50 states and APO/FPO/DPO addresses. We use USPS (United States Postal service), UPS, FedEx, and courier service. During the check-out process you will be able to choose the delivery method you prefer. Free shipping is available on all orders shipped within the U.S. You may always choose an alternative shipping method, the cost of which will be calculated automatically based on the size and weight of the package as well as your shipping address at the time of checkout.
For our international customers we offer various shipping options from the most economical ones to expedited, and we ship to many global destinations spanning all continents. International shipping rates start as low as $7.95 (in US dollars) and are calculated automatically during checkout based on your shipping address, the weight, and the size of the package. When you choose USPS First Class International shipping, USPS will handle your package up to the point when it leaves the U.S., after which the local postal service in the destination country will take over and deliver the package to your address.
On international orders, customs duty may be collected at the destination subject to the destination country's laws and regulations. It is the customer's responsibility to comply with their respective country's laws and regulations pertaining to customs duties and to make the necessary customs payments where necessary to collect their packages. We may not be held responsible for customs fees that may need to be paid to collect your package abroad. If you are an international customer, we recommend that you learn about your country`s customs requirements prior to ordering from abroad.
How soon will my order be processed and shipped?
All products are shipped from our warehouse in New Jersey. We strive to process orders within 1 business day of their receipt, but longer processing time may be necessary depending on order volumes such as during peak periods, such as around holidays. We will send you an e-mail confirmation along with the details of the order, as well as the tracking information when it becomes available. Please make sure that our address support@glassofvenice.com is added to your address book, or be sure to check your Junk or Spam e-mail folders if you do not see the order confirmation. If you still cannot locate it after placing your order and more than 4 hours have passed please contact us. If any part of your order is not in-stock, it will be treated as a back-order and will typically be shipped to you separately once it becomes available, usually in 3-4 weeks. If the timeline is longer or if there are any difficulties with filling the order we will contact you to determine how to proceed. Due to the nature of our products, some items, such as lighting fixtures and chandeliers, will need to be custom-made by the artisans in Murano. We will clearly indicate such cases on the item descriptions and estimate the expected time for the products to arrive.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
If you placed your order with Free U.S. shipping, most likely it will be shipped either by USPS first class mail or by UPS. The choice of the carrier and shipping method will be solely at the seller's discretion. While we do our best to provide an estimate of the time in transit for various shipping methods during checkout, free shipping method and USPS Priority Mail shipments do not come with a guaranteed delivery timeline. FedEx or UPS Overnight methods show specific time of delivery only as an estimate, there is no guaranteed time of day by which the overnight package is delivered.. Under normal conditions orders made with Free Shipping or USPS Priority Mail take 2-5 business days to arrive to most U.S. addresses. However, this timeline may be affected by seasonal increases in mail volumes around the winter holidays, and any adverse weather events around the U.S. Please note that such delays are completely outside of our control; if your order was placed with free shipping or USPS Priority Mail and your package is subject to a delay by the carrier we will not be able to issue a refund or send a replacement unless package is deemed lost by the carrier. Therefore, we suggest placing your order with ample lead time or choosing one of our expedited shipping options in cases when time is of the essence.
Do you collect sales tax?
We collect 6.625% sales tax on orders shipped to the state of New Jersey. We do not charge taxes on orders shipped elsewhere. On international orders, it is the customer`s responsibility to comply with local country`s laws and regulations pertaining to customs duties and taxes.
What if I have a question not answered here?
We are happy to answer any questiuon you may have in regards to order processing and shipping. Please contact our Customer Service Team at (888)983-6423 between 9AM and 5PM EST on weekdays or support@glassofvenice.com at any time.