Italian leather bags, wallets, and other accessories are handmade in leather factories in Florence according to the ancient techniques of the craft. At Fioretta Leather we work with carefully selected skilled artisans to make leather bags for men and women using the best materials and equipment but with the same methods that existed for hundreds of years. Every bag is made with full-grain soft Italian leather, precise stitching, and high-quality metal parts. Our Italian leather artisans combine the best of old-world craftsmanship with modern fashion trends to create a variety of leather crossbody bags, tote bags, messenger and laptop bags, as well as travel, and work bags. They look great for years even with heavy use and satisfy the demands of modern men and women for versatile, stylish, and durable leather bags. Whether for work, errands, travel, or evening outings, there is a perfect Italian Fioretta leather bag for you!